Bradeen Auction


Serving the Black Hills area since 1923
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Useful Links to How-To-Do pages and tutorials

Please add to this post as you see fit. Administration Dashboard documentation Some basics on Pages and Posts     Elementor and Page editing Short video tutorial on editing Pages with the Elementor editor

Tutorial: Changing the order that listings or auctions appear

Because of the variety of ways that dates are entered, at present it’s difficult to change the order that posts appear by using the dates entered for auctions. BUT there is an easier and more flexible way to order auctions and listings. In the list Auctions or Real Estate entries, there are some small up/down […]

Tutorial: How to add or edit a Real Estate Auction

Tutorial: How to add or edit an Real Estate Auction       After you log in, you will see a long brown vertical menu on the left.  To view the list of Real Estate Listings, click on “Real Estate”.   This will bring up a list of real estate listings.    To edit an […]

Tutorial: How to add or edit a Upcoming Auction

Tutorial: How to add or edit an Upcoming Auction After you log in, you will see a long brown vertical menu on the left.  For now the To view the list of Upcoming Auctions, click on “Upcoming Auctions”. This will bring up a list of Auctions. To edit an Auction,  Hover your mouse cursor over […]